REINFORCING CONFIDENCE IN THE TOURISM SECTOR Egans House has been awarded the Failte Ireland Safety Charter for compliance with the health and safety measures implemented across the guesthouse for our customers and team. The COVID-19 Safety Charter is an initiative endorsed by the Irish Government to provide confidence for domestic and overseas visitors in tourism businesses. The COVID-19 Safety Charter is designed to give comfort and reassurance to employers, employees and customers that our Egans Guesthouse is safe to welcome our guests.
HOW DOES THE COVID-19 SAFETY CHARTER WORK? Having applied for the COVID-19 Safety Charter, Egans House has appointed a COVID-19 Lead Worker Representative (COVID-19 co-ordinator/lead) who has completed the Fáilte Ireland Covid-19 Safety & Hygiene Control Training. Every employee at our House has been requested to complete the appropriate COVID-19 hygiene and safety control training as set out in the Terms & Conditions of the Charter. Any employees who have not completed such training they will be required to complete the Fáilte Ireland COVID-19 Fáilte Ireland Infection Prevention Control for Tourism Businesses Course. Once Fáilte Ireland approved Egans Guesthouse as eligible for the COVID-19 Safety Charter, Egans House can now display this status throughout the hotel premises and digital platforms. The Safety Charter reassures customers and employees that the guesthouse is operating in line with current Government public health advice and with safety and cleaning protocols in place.

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

7 Iona Park
D09 E5XH

Điện Thoại

+353 1 830 3611


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Gọi Chúng Tôi

+353 1 830 3611

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